microdot|microdots in English


tiny photograph that is reduced to the size of a dot for the purposes of easy transport or security; dose of LSD in a very small tablet (Informal)

Use "microdot|microdots" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "microdot|microdots" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "microdot|microdots", or refer to the context using the word "microdot|microdots" in the English Dictionary.

1. The recipient would read the microdot with a special viewer.

2. You want to leave the smallest imprint possible: a microdot.

3. Each microdot is the size of a grain of sand and contains an identifier.

4. Microdots are another method of surreptitious communication between an agent in the field and his controller.

5. During World War II, the microdot employed was actually a photograph reduced to the size of a period.

6. There exists an extended set of early Triassic intermediate-acid volcanics closely related to microdot gold ore in Southwestern Guangxi.

7. Lsd or Acid (tabs, trips, blotters, microdots) Acid is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that alters your perception of the outside world

8. Lsd or Acid (Acid tabs, Acid trips, lsd blotters, microdots) is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that alters your perception of the outside world.Effects typically include altered thoughts, feelings, and …

9. Transferring secret documents during the Cold War was aided by this microdot camera that could photograph and reduce whole pages of information onto a tiny piece of film the size of a sentence period.